Happy Late Cake Eating Love Hotel Day!
Friday, December 30th, 2005Ton and I are just pretend-smoking to look tough. Is it working?
今年、俺はイーブのイーブから Xmasまで道頓堀川で店のビラをくばった!寒かったけどタイツはめっちゃ効いたよ!このコスは帽子も付いていたけどせっかく2日前モヒカンをピンクにしたからそのままで行った。今までのコスの中にはこのミス変態サンタは多分一番人気だった。パンフレット1000枚位をとってくれた!この写真にはミス変態サンタの格好をしているのにプレゼントをもらいたい方、俺!!特に新コスチューム。このコスはえらい高かったよ!(絶対26日がたって、すぐ安くなるのに!)だから今度、金持ちの誰かがおごってくれない?俺の好きな洋服は横の方にリンクされているから楽や!よろしくね!
So did everyone enjoy their Christmas eating Family Mart cake, having affairs at area love hotels, and taking Purikura with underage girls at the Sega game center? Well while you lazy bastards were whooping it up over the notorious JC’s birth, I was working the streets! I bet this costume dropped to about 99 yen the day after xmas, but it was pretty damn expensive on the eve. At least it was a pretty popular item - I must’ve passed out over 1000 flyers in the span of 2 hours. By the way, any rich sugar mamas out there who’ll treat me on the next one? High school girls aren’t the only ones who can work the “compensated dating” angle you know!
Christmas sure is different than I remember it as a kid…